Testo completo del discorso di Assad

And Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is due to give a rare speech to the nation as he continues to battle an uprising against his rule. Now we've broken out of that earlier story and we'll take you to his speech in amoment. The Syrian news agency says the address is expected to begin now and it will cover the latest developments in Syria and the region. 

TRANSLATION: Look in the eyes of the children of Syria and I cannot see an innocent illsmile coming from those eyes or a smile on their faces or happiness. I look at the hands of elderly women trying to pray for safety for their children or their grandchildren or their sisters. And daughters. We meet today while the suffering is over all Syria. We have no room for happiness in all our country. Security and safety are absent in the street of my country and the roads of my country and the roads of my country. Today we meet where mothers have lost the best of their sons. And families have lost their care takers and children have been orphaned andbrothers have been dispersed and disappeared. If all this happiness is engulfing our country as a black cloud theemotional feeling cannot replace those who have lost all secure bread, security and safety and medicine along thecountry. From the suffering there should be hope, from the suffering under crisis we should find solutions. Theblack cloud hides the rays of the sun but it hides hope for goodness and generosity when the sun shines. All theseemotions and feelings, suffering, pain, challenge and determination is a great source. Syria cannot come out from its crisis until it turns these sources into a comprehensive national action that will save the country from an attack that has not been witnessed throughout the history of Syria. This national movement is the only solutionfor the suffering that has hit all the fabric of our society. It is clear the only hope that will get Syria out of its precipice and to reconstruct and rebuild its social fabric, every citizen is responsible. What's more, every citizen is capable of offering the minimum towards this country. This country is for everybody. Everybody should defend this country according to their means. The idea is a means of defence, the stance is a means of defence and to protect the State assets is a means of defence. To attack the nation, all the nation, every citizen is aware, is fully aware now that to wait for others to solve the problem is - can only lead the country to more precipice and disaster. We cannot go forward while waiting for others to find a solution. A great number of others havefallen into the trap that has been put forward to them, that the conflict is between the opposition and the rulers. Those people had to decide and they stood silent. It is our duty, all of us, to review our vision so that we can redirect the compass towards a real genuine solution. The conflict is between the nation and its enemies, between the people and the criminal killers, between the criminal killers, between the citizen, his bread, hiswater, his heat and all its needs and between situation of peace that was enjoyed and between spreading fear andterror amongst the people, killing innocence and civilians, kills light in our country. They have killed ideas and thinking so that they can spread their ignorance in our country. They have tried to entrench the suffering in ourcountry, they have deprived children from going to school so to destroy the future of the country and to express their backwardness. They cut off electricity, fuel and they've left elderly and children facing up to the cold weather without medicine. Their theft was exemplified by stealing wheat and grain and bread from the citizen. Is this struggle between - is this a struggle over power or this is this revenge from people who have not given - that those people, those criminals they are the enemies of the people, they are the enemies of God and the enemies of God will rest in hell. At the beagain - beginning they alleged this was a revolution. They wanted to impose their power using money and arms. When they failed they moved on to the second phase and exposed their true face by the use of the kind of weapons publicly and they tried to occupy cities and like foxes to capture other cities. They hate savagely and whenever they hate and thanks to the awareness and steadfastness of the people these people exposed them. Then they decided to seek revenge from people, to spread terror anywhere and everywhere. They call it a revolution and this has nothing to do with any revolution. The revolution needs thinkers, it needs to bebased on an idea. Where are the thinkers? Is are are the engineers? A revolution needs leadership. Who is the leader of this revolution? A revolution is based on knowledge and ideas, not on ignorance. A revolution needs to go forwards, not backwards. It needs to expand in electricity and fuel on the people, not cutting off theseservices. A revolution cannot come from outside. The revolution should be for the interests of the people, notagainst the interests of the people. Is this a revolution? Are they revolutionaries? They are criminals. They're a bunch of criminals. Despite all this, those behind it that were working behind the scenes leading the gangs at the front to carry out their actions and whenever the army and the people stood up to their killing and crime they carried on.- the heinous actions. The members embarked on the sheep of blood and killing, of ideas is an alien idea on our country, it has to come from abroad. Their ideas had to be imported from abroad. The terrorist s who have embraced the idea and ideology of Al-Qaeda and jihadists who came from all over the place, they are leading the revolution, the terrorist acts inside the country. By pillaging, by destroying and by killing the people for the sake of a criminal killers whose language is only the language of assassination, slaughter and cutting off people's limbs. Brothers, we are fighting these people. Some of them are non-Syrians. They came because they carried out deviant thinking and they call it a jihad and this has nothing to do with jihad and this is an alien notion of Islam, nothing to do with Islam. We should face up to them, we should stand up to them and all thesepeople carry with them the ideology of Al-Qaeda. And as you know, this kind of thinking has been spreading inAfghanistan and other countries and when the Soviet Union dis integrated in Afghanistan this ideology came out from and started to hate and strike everywhere in the world and using violence. They tried to get rid of it through the Afghan war and through other means and through the invasion of Iraq but this terrorism stood fast, it spread and it's started to entrench itself inside Western society. These forces found Syria as an opportune place to spread their ideology. To turn Syria into a jihad battlefield so that to get rid of two annoying enemies, to get rid of the terrorists and also to weaken Syria because it worries the West. There is an organisation that studies the issue of terrorism and it found terrorism and it found terrorism has declined, especially in Asia. It is true because most terrorists have actually come to Syria from those countries and they came from Europe as well. The entrance of these terrorists to any society or to Syria, this is a very serious issue with regard our security. This is very evident but it is not possible to fight them and fight them off and defeat them. But what is more serious is to embrace their ideology. When the society embraces this kind of thinking we will bedestroyed. If we cannot tackle this issue seriously, irrespective of the political differences in Syria, we shouldrise above the differences so that we can face up to this issue otherwise we will put the future of our generation and young children and future generation at stake. Syria, as we know it As a society we should face up to this, this kind of thinking destroys the geography, the political meaning and significance of any society of any country where it is found. This is a big responsibility, we should unite so that we can face up to it. But the crisis has other dimensions other than domestic ones. What is happening inside Syria is very evident for those who want to see it. Regionally speaking there are those who are trying to divide and petition Syria. Others are trying to weaken Syria. Some are providing the criminals will funds and weapons, others are helping them with training.Neighbouring countries have turned against Syria to weaken it and to weaken the Syrian people and other countries have been looking for a place in history that it did not have. It has written this history using the blood of the great Syrian people but Syria and its people are stronger and it promises them that it will not disintegrate.Internationally speaking, you are all aware that Syria has been and will remain free and sovereign. That we will not accept dictate. (Applause) And this has been worrying and still does the West. They want to take advantage of domestic issues so that to get Syria out of the political equation in the region so that they can rid of this disturbing element like the others who are supporting us. However, the international community is not limited to the west. A number of countries, Russia and China , reject interference in the affairs of other States and to destabilise the States stemming from their interests and principles and their eagerness other people should decide their destiny. We thank all these countries, Russia, China and Iran, and all the countries that have stood with Syria against interference in our affairs. We salute and we are grateful for the stances of these countries.(Applause) In all this and during this long preamble we cannot talk about solution until we take into consideration all these issues domestically, regionally and internationally. Any measure that cannot change these measures cannot be called a genuine solution and will have no effect. Let's talk about internally. If thedifferences internally was between an opposition and the Government but I don't believe in this theory, in any modern and civilised society we should work for rebuilding the country, not destroying the country, not destroying the country. We should not take our country. We should not take our country 10 years backwards. Relations between the opposition and the supporters should be resolved internally but if we rely on outside element s the issue become s a struggle between domestic opposition and international opposition and international opposition, between a free and sovereign people and a people dictated to by outside world and everybody knows that the aggression coming from outside Syria. When we say foreign opposition we don't talk about the cities or the countries where these people live but where these people live but where these people are linked emotionally, politically andfinancially. This is what we are talking about when we say foreign interference. There are some people who live abroad but they still defend their country. We are not talking about opposition and supporters or an army against a gang, an armed gang. We are facing a state of war in the full sense of the word. We are thwarting a foreign aggression in a new way. This kind of war is more destructive and more serious than traditional and conventional wars because it is war that targets Syria using a bunch, a small bunch of Syrians to achieve their means. They are pushing us to destroy our buildings, destroy our generations, this kind of war should be faced up and confronted by reforms. It consolidates us, it strengthens our unity and our steadfastness to face up to this war. Some people think that this solution or this reform will resolve the solution. No, it is just part of a solution. A reform without hope is like hope without reform. Neither can succeed and this is what we have been saying and we still are saying. If people thought that Syria has opted for the security option these people were not listening to us. We keep saying politically speaking we are for reform but we should use force to defeat terrorism. When someone is faced to defend himself we say that this person himself we say that this person - and uses every means available to him to defend himself, this is why the security, the State is defending its people, defending the nation is a duty. There is no question about it, this is not up for question or for discussion. It is constitutional and legitimate. It's the only solution. There is no other solution in security solution. This is self-defence. If we chose the security solution and we used in the first days, if we chose the political solution since the political solution since the early days that does not mean that we shouldn't defend ourselves. But since we chose the political solution we need a partner, a capable partner to carry out this political reform and if we chose the political solution and we didn't find a partner and we carried on just because we couldn't find a partner during the past period. If someone wants to get married and looks for a partner and couldn't find a suitable partner that doesn't mean that this person no longer wants to get Maoried but this person has not found the right partner. The political solution was there so people who talk about security situation is the only option is wrong and no official in the country has ever said that our option is the only security option. We have never rejected the political solution. Since day one we started this phase by calling for a political dialogue that we push, that we bring-help Syria go forward. However, we will not negotiate with people with extremist ideas and whose language is only killing and terrorism. Can we negotiate with gangs who dictated and funded and manipulated by outside? If we do that we know that dialogue will weaken Syria, will put an end to Syria, especially some regional country whose officials know that if Syria comes out of this crisis that will be the end of this country politically speaking. After having spent huge sums of money to support terrorism and they can no longer carry out their policies inside Syria. Are we to negotiate with dolls that have been made up by the West? We will dialogue, we will open dialogue with the ones who were behind those dolls and those puppets. We want to dialogue with the master, not with theservants. (Applause) As for the West, the leader of occupation and the master of division and fighting it is theone who has destroyed the West. It has been given directions to the terrorists and it paid them and we have been forced to be proud and steadfast and we will remain so. (Applause) Therefore those who are talking about politicalsolution only is blind to these realities. They're either ignorant of the situation or is trying to fool - it's helping terrorists to destroy the country. It's selling the blood of its people and we will not allow that. Some people are talking about political solution only, others talking about fighting terrorism only. This is not precise. The solution should be comprehensive. It should be fighting terrorism, political line and also social solution. In Homs and Daraa the situation has improved drastically because of the social solution. because of the social solution. because of the National Syrian s made up initiatives, they are money and their action has yieldedsignificant results. These people do not belong to parties, they don't have any political agenda. Or they're doing this out of their nationalistic duty. We say that the solution has criteria, political, fighting terrorism and alienation even if the crime is rampant we should go back to the social issue and I salute those people who aretrying to achieve and carry out national duties. I have met them directly and some I've heard about some of them and I salute them and I would like to tell them that we rely on your initiatives. We will negotiate and we will extend our hands for dialogue. We will negotiate with those who have a different point of view, different stances without harming our foundations and we will negotiate with individual and parties who have not been bought by the stranger and the foreigner and those who are not using arms, we will be genuine partners to all those, to everycitizen who is working for interests, safety and independence of Syria. Therefore and stemming from our profound foundations and to independence of the decision of the country and in accordance or international charters,stipulate sovereignty and independence and non-interference of the country and out of or believe in the need for the dialogue between the sons of Syria and the Syrian leadership and so to restore a secure and safe solution. The political solution. The political solution in Syria will be as follows. First, a regional and international country should commit to refrain from funding and arming the terrorist or those behind terrorist acts so that to allow to facilitate the return of the disperse and refugees to come back. Following the cessation of hostilities by our armed forces will stop but we reserve the right to self-defence if any attack against any individual or public institution. There should be a mechanism that monitor s the first point. Number 3, the present Government will embark on extensive contact with Syrian political and parties to - so that to pave the way for a conference for national dialogue to find a solution to problems in Syria internally and internationally. The present government will call for holding a conference so as to reach a national charter that will safeguard Syria'ssovereignty and independence and integrity. For me the Government took meeting for preparing to hold in aconference for a national charter. This charter will define the political future of Syria and political andjudicial economic election law in the country. The national charter will be put to referendum to the people. Andexpanded an enlarged government will be formed that will be - that will bring together elements from all over Syria. The constitution will be put to a referendum. Once adopted the expanded government will study the laws as stipulated by the constitution that will be followed by a new parliamentary elections. If there is agreement in the national dialogue conference, the government will issue the findings. The third phase is a new government will be formed once the constitution is adopted. Number 2, a national conference for reconciliation and for release of prisoners would be held. As with regard to a general amnesty, while protesting - protecting civilian rights, the State can civilian rights, the State can forego its rights but if the general amnesty should be applied not only by the State but all those by the - by those that have been affected so everybody should be asked and consulted about forgiveness. These are the basic vision of the political solution as I see it. These are just headlines but they need more details and the Government will put details and will expand on these headlines and we'll put forward this vision as an initiative within the next few days and it will follow up all these phases in accordance with the issues and elements mentioned above. We live in an era of fabrication. So matters will be misinterpreted according to people's interests and with regard to this, some people will be scared and they think this is a step, a backward step. I would like to assure everybody that with regard to fighting terrorism, we will not stop as long as this is one stop as long as this is one stop single terrorist in Syria, we will not refrain, that does not mean that that we will engage our fight against terrorism. But to defeat terrorism, the possibility of success for thiswill be greater. APPLAUSE. CHANTING. Number two, this vision, if you may call it vision or initiative or ideas directed to all those who seek dialogue and those who want to see a political solution in the future in Syria. They are not for those who refuse dialogue. Today we have been hearing rejections from parties and we would like to tell them why are you doing something that is not targeted to you any way so this rejections is a waste of time. is a waste of APPLAUSE. Number three, any initiative that will be tabled from any individual or side orstate should be based on the Syrian vision. There cannot be a vision that will replace Syria. Any other initiativewill be an added initiative to the Syrian vision. Once the Government has come up with these initiatives and ideas, this can only compliment the basic and the fundamental initiative. We should not waste our time or the time of others by not endorsing this initiative. If we talk about how can a foreign initiative can help us. With regard to the political situation, we don't need any help. We are capable of finding a political solution. Whoever wants to help Syria constructively and honestly can do so by helping stop arms and funds coming into the terrorists in Syria and everybody knows the direction and source for these people. We don't want people to come to us and tell us what to do on the political side. And for thousands of years Syria has been able to manage its political solution. APPLAUSE. The support of foreign initiatives does not necessarily mean we accept them, if it doesn't tally with our vision and it doesn't work, if they don't work the interests of the Syrian people. Syria has has adopted Geneva initiative, but there was a blurred element which is about a transitional period. Our question is the transition from where to where, from One Plus One country to another? From a country to a state where there is lawlessness or a national decision, independent decision to hand over this decision to terrorists. The enemies, they want all three elements put to us. For us, the transitional period is to move from instability to stability. As for other elements, had it not been a crisis in Syria, our aim is to move on from a situation to a situation. Any transitional phase should be through constitutional means. These ideas form the transitional period. Numberfive, any initiative accepted by us, we did so because it stemmed from sovereignty and the decision of the people.Because for anything that will be agreed inside Syria or outside Syria should be based on the decision of the people. Even the national charter that could be adopted by the national conference should go to a referendum. There should be a referendum. Anything that could be dictated from outside or from inside should go through a referendum, not through a referendum, not through the President or the Government or dialogue. This will form a kind of guarantee that will reflect a popular accord and if we understand this, and this is clear and everybody who comes to Syria and people who leave from Syria, Syria accept advice but does not accept submission or dictate. It accept help. Every term you have heard in the past, the initiatives, ideas, statements, through the media,through officials, it's irrelevant if they don't reflect to the say of the through people are just mere so bubbledthat will blow up in no time. APPLAUSE. Any interpretations that does not reflect the Syrian sovereignty are meredreams. They can carry on dreaming. They can carry on living in their virtual world but they will not carry out any initiative or any action, only if it stems from the interest and the say of the Syrian people. APPLAUSE.CHANTING. Sisters and brothers. The nation is above everybody else and Syria is above everybody else. Through amake it stronger and we will defend it better. We want, Syria want peace under reconciliation, yes. A number of Syrians are facing up to terrorism. Some are providing the appropriate security services with information toward terrorist act against citizens. Some have decided to defend the regions or to take to the streets against thekillers and got killed in doing so. Those stood shoulder to shoulder with our armed soldiers in defending citiessoldiers in defending cities and fundamental structure and states. We have so many examples and I would like tomention just one in a small village in northern Syria. The young people, the brave young people in that village, which is the on Turkish border, they rose up and they have been defending consecutive attacks defending consecutive attacks from terrorist s from terrorist s from them back and they were trying to infiltrate the Syria from Turkish border and I salute them for their action. APPLAUSE. There are those who have entered into dialogue who can convince through a national reconciliation on the local level and prevented an escalation and turned it into calm. The decisions through their actions have expressed a deep awareness. Hope does not come from standing by and idle and running forward when we are not living at peace inside our countries, weigh cannot live outside country. The country is not only for those who live in it, but for those who defend it, but for those who defendit. The country is not the - the nation is not from those who benefit from its wealth and resources or from those who wanted it and couldn't find it. It is for those who have answered the call of the nation and many of them have done so from all walks of life they came in and their generosity was unimaginable. Some chose martyr Dom and their blood exposed the fake spring. Their blood faked what the West has termed as the Arab Spring. They closed the door for sectarianism. That was only for those who have engineered it. The blood of these martyrs is the one who has protected, that will protect our nation and the country and the region, our country and the region, our countrysociety and they will cleanse our society from the betrayal, violence for the generations to come. In is the main victory. When the nation is victorious, it does not forget those who gave up their lives for us and the country will reward those who did so. I salute those who deserve the biggest salutation and gratitude the soldiers of the Syrian army. APPLAUSE. CHANTING. I salute the officers and the NGO and the officers, sold are years and brave soldiers. APPLAUSE. CHANTING. I salute the officers, the non-commissioned officers, the brave ones who aren't giving up their sweat and blood for the sake of Syria. Keeping everything they have. I salute our armed forces who are engaged in one of the most fiercest battles and war so security and safety can be returned to the city. The armed forces have written epics through this. It's unity and consolidation of the people. It has projected the citizen safe and citizen replicated. A glory to every single soldier to died in protecting the country. The glory for every soldier who uses his arm and self. But to finish off the mission of those who failed in the battlefield.And gratitude to all those who have fought using every means they have. This is the - are the pride of Syria andhistory will write their epic with light and fire in it. They are the protect terse of the people and protectors of the country alongside the Syrian people. APPLAUSE. Sisters , brothers, I know that what the country is, I feel like the rest of the Syrian people of paying for the loss of loved ones and the martyr Dom of children. The fire of their hatred has touched everybody. Including me. I am one of the people, I will remain so. The position don't last forever, but the country lasts forever. APPLAUSE. As for the tears of the mothers who will be a blow for the terrorists, let the Syrian people construct its country stable and strong. Syria will come back stronger, moreconsolidated. We cannot keep up on our principles and our rights. Those who have placed bets on weakening Syria so it can forget the Gonar heights and our lands. They are ours and we will remain as we have been. Supporters of theresistance against the enemy, the resistance is a mind set and practice. It is not opportunism. The people and thestate that have shouldered the burdens in supporting the Palestinian people throughout the case, using thesechallenges and prices paid by financially and morally by the Syrian people, including pressures and people at this stage cannot for any reason but support their brothers, the Palestinians. Any attempt to implicate thePalestinians in the Syrian affairs is to deviate the attention from the Israeli enemy. The Palestinian in Syria is carrying out its duty towards Syria. We shoulder the responsibility to carry out responsibility to carry outresponsibility towards them like in Syria. I salute every honourable single Syrian who have protected, who staysthrough to the pledge and the position of Syria and has not used Syria as a hotel, that it uses and leaves whenever it wishes. APPLAUSE. Sisters and brothers, despite all the plans hatched against Syria, that will not change what is inside us because what's inside us is great, strong. Nationalism flows in our blood. Syria is moreprecious than everybody else. What it has showed over the past two years tells the whole world that Syria cannot crumble and that its people is stronger and that its people is stronger and it cannot be humiliated and submitted and steadfastness and challenge is entrenched in the Syrian DNA , generation after generation. We have been so, wewill remain so, hand in hand, despite all the wound taking Syria to a stronger and more bright future. We will goforward, we will not be frightened by any enemy or their hatred. We have a right, we are the Masters of right andwill always and forever stand by those who have the right on their side. Peace and prayers be upon you. APPLAUSE.CHANTING. There we are. President Assad. That was Syrian President Bashar al-Assad giving a rare public speech ashe continues to battle an uprising against his rule. The major breakthrough in the civil war, he's called for a new constitution to be drawn up followed by-elections. He has called for input from all political groups within the country. He has also accused the waste of interfering in the country's domestic issues and he is saying to China, Russia and Iran for standing firm against outside interference in the country's affairs. The President said in that speech that Syria has turned into a jihad battlefield. He said al-Qaeda is trying to divide and weaken the country. And of course the United Nations says that since the uprising against the President start in the 2011, more than 60,000 people have been killed in Syria. Now we turn to other domestic news closer to home. Police inTasmania say as many as 100 people are unaccounted for in a string of catastrophic bushfires that have ravagedpart of that state. Tonight the main threat is at Tarrana which main threat is at Tarrana which main in the area of the Forcett fire where earlier residents were told to evacuate. A watch and act order is now in place for that blaze as well as two other fires at Buckland and Lake Repulse. Now a watch and act order for Macquarie Plains hasnow been downgraded to advice. So far about 60,000 hectares has been burnt out. The hardest hit community, Dunalley has lost 65 properties and authorities



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