Oct. 17 .... TUNISIA ...
17 ottobre.... TUNISIA.... 14 gennaio 2011, una data storica per la Tunisia... esce di scena Ben Ali. Dopo una rivoluzione lampo durata pochi mesi si chiude il capitolo della corruzione e della supremazie di famiglie al potere che gestiscono la vita di un paese a spese della gente.
15 gennaio 2011, rientra in Tunisia il leader dell’opposizione in esilio in Inghilterra, Rached Gannouchi. All’aeropo
15 gennaio 2011, rientra in Tunisia il leader dell’opposizione in esilio in Inghilterra, Rached Gannouchi. All’aeropo
rto centinaia di suoi seguaci, estremisti islamici e salafisti lo acclamano. Il partito bandito da Ben Ali’, Ennahda, diventa il primo partito nel paese. Un’operazione mediatica impeccabile porta rached Gannouchi e il suo gruppo alla vittoria delle prime elezioni libere indette il 23 ottobre 2011. A piccoli passi il partito si impadronisce del Governo provvisorio che prende l’impegno entro un anno di redigere la nuova costituzione. Inizia un periodo di declino economico del paese, accompagnato da un’incertezza generale. Quello che era un paese laico e molto aperto si avvia a grandi passi verso un paese gestito da estremisti islamici che si proclamano moderati ma che lasciano troppa libertà a chi professa la charia. La Tunsia inizia a conoscere usi nuovi, si parla di califfato, legge islamica, riduzione della libertà della donna.
Octobre 17.... TUNISIA.... January 14, 2011, a historic date for the Tunisia ... Ben Ali leaves the scene. After a few months duration of a Flash revolution the country closes the chapter of corruption and of the supremacy of the ruling families that maintain the life of a country at the expense of the people.
January 15, 2011, returned to Tunisia of the opposition leader in exile in England, Rached Gannouchi. At the airport, hundreds of his followers, and Salafist Islamic extremists acclaim him. The banned Party by Ben Ali, Ennahda, becomes the first party in the country. A flawless media brings rached Gannouchi and his team to victory in the first free elections held on October 23, 2011. With small steps the party takes hold of the provisional Government that undertakes within one year to draft the new Constitution. Begins a period of economic decline, accompanied by General uncertainty. What was a secular country and very open starts strode toward a country run by Islamic extremists, proclaim moderates, but leaving too much freedom to anyone who professes the charia. The Tunisia get to know new uses, there is talk of the Caliphate, Islamic law, reducing the freedom of women.
Octobre 17.... TUNISIA.... January 14, 2011, a historic date for the Tunisia ... Ben Ali leaves the scene. After a few months duration of a Flash revolution the country closes the chapter of corruption and of the supremacy of the ruling families that maintain the life of a country at the expense of the people.
January 15, 2011, returned to Tunisia of the opposition leader in exile in England, Rached Gannouchi. At the airport, hundreds of his followers, and Salafist Islamic extremists acclaim him. The banned Party by Ben Ali, Ennahda, becomes the first party in the country. A flawless media brings rached Gannouchi and his team to victory in the first free elections held on October 23, 2011. With small steps the party takes hold of the provisional Government that undertakes within one year to draft the new Constitution. Begins a period of economic decline, accompanied by General uncertainty. What was a secular country and very open starts strode toward a country run by Islamic extremists, proclaim moderates, but leaving too much freedom to anyone who professes the charia. The Tunisia get to know new uses, there is talk of the Caliphate, Islamic law, reducing the freedom of women.